What is HHW?
HHW is Household Hazardous Waste. It is not a scary as it sounds. HHW items are very common. Items such as paints, insecticides, weed killers, solvents, used motor oil, and swimming pool chemicals are all considered Household Hazardous Wastes. Generally speaking, any chemical that is bought at the grocery store or hardware store is probably considered HHW when the homeowner decides to dispose of the item.
Why is HHW a Problem?
HHW can be difficult to manage because Texas State Law prohibits disposing of these items in landfills. Because HHW is not accepted at the landfill, trash companies will not collect it. Cities and towns have struggled to find a convenient, cost-effective method for citizens to dispose of HHW.
Some cities have tried annual “Clean Up Days” which requires citizens to store their HHW materials all year and hopefully make it to the annual event. Other cities have tried regional drop off facilities, which require citizens to spend hours traveling to and from centralized locations for collections. Neither of these options are convenient. Now, HHW Solutions can provide your city with regularly scheduled HHW collection, performed at the front door of your home. You don’t even need to be home to have your HHW items hauled away.
Ready to get Started?
Contact us for more information about our hazardous waste disposal services.